SmVaK Ostrava and sustainable development

Considering the SmVaK Ostrava’s purpose of business,  the company influences most people living in the region - those who use the drinking water and discharge wastewater, those who work with SmVaK Ostrava, and those who supply the materials, technologies or services for SmVaK Ostrava.

SmVaK Ostrava employs more than 850 people and is among key employers in the region. As it invests approximately half a billion of CZK each year into renewal of water infrastructure, it gives indirectly jobs to hundreds of other people who work in contracting firms.

SmVaK Ostrava is aware of its responsibility for the region where it operates. The concept of the social responsibility and sustainable development is an integral part of SmVaK Ostrava’s existence – it passes through all its activities and it based on four piers: Corporate Governance, People, Environment and Region.